Office of Student Life

Ohio Union

Today at the Union

Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023

  • 8:00 AM
    2:00 PM
    OCCSE Interviews

    Location: Brutus Buckeye Room

  • 8:00 AM
    11:00 PM
    ASC Staff Artists & Makers Exhibition

    Location: Great Hall Meeting Room, Great Hall Table - Prefunction/Event

  • 8:00 AM
    11:00 PM
    SSDC Graduating Seniors Display

    Location: Art Case - Information Center

  • 8:00 AM
    11:00 PM
    International Affairs Display

    Location: Art Case - Great Hall Art Gallery West, Art Case - Great Hall Art Gallery East

  • 9:00 AM
    10:30 AM
    FOCUS Team Meetings 2023

    Location: Barbie Tootle Room

  • 9:00 AM
    3:00 PM
    Alonso Family Room Open Lounge Space

    Location: Alonso Family Room

  • 9:00 AM
    5:00 PM
    Fidelity Investments November 2023

    Location: Tanya Rutner Hartman Room

  • 10:00 AM
    4:00 PM
    Peer on 7th Tabling

    Location: Great Hall Table - Friendship

  • 10:00 AM
    6:00 PM
    Samsung Activation

    Location: West Plaza Old

  • 10:30 AM
    11:00 AM
    Vacancies Tiger Team Meeting

    Location: Rosa M. Ailabouni Room

  • 11:00 AM
    1:00 PM
    SL Book Club Meeting

    Location: Creative Arts Room

  • 12:00 PM
    2:00 PM
    BuckeyeThon Tabling

    Location: Great Hall Table - Summer

  • 12:00 PM
    4:00 PM
    USG Tabling

    Location: Great Hall Table - Songs

  • 12:00 PM
    5:00 PM

    Location: Milestones Room

  • 2:00 PM
    3:30 PM
    Dance rehearsal

    Location: Dance Room 1

  • 2:00 PM
    5:30 PM
    BLF Leadership Challenge

    Location: Barbie Tootle Room

  • 4:00 PM
    5:00 PM
    Monthly Staff Meeting

    Location: Ohio Staters, Inc. Traditions Room

  • 4:00 PM
    5:00 PM
    The Positive Psychology Club

    Location: Suzanne M. Scharer Room

  • 4:00 PM
    5:00 PM
    AAHF Overalls Committee Meeting

    Location: High St Conference Room

  • 4:00 PM
    5:00 PM
    Wellness Month Week 4: Yoga

    Location: Dance Room 1

  • 4:30 PM
    6:00 PM
    First-gen pre-PA GBM

    Location: Senate Chamber, Sphinx Centennial Leadership Suite

  • 4:30 PM
    7:00 PM
    AU23 - HM 2710 Class

    Location: Instructional Kitchen

  • 5:00 PM
    6:00 PM
    Disability Community

    Location: Alonso Family Room

  • 5:00 PM
    6:00 PM
    Mu Delta Alpha GBM

    Location: Brutus Buckeye Room

  • 5:00 PM
    11:00 PM
    Fall 2023 OUAB Flicks for Free Series

    Location: U.S. Bank Conference Theater, U.S. Bank Conference Theater Pre-Function

  • 5:30 PM
    7:00 PM
    Cupcakes & Canvas - Fall 2023

    Location: Creative Arts Room

  • 5:30 PM
    7:00 PM
    Momentum Weekly Class

    Location: Dance Room 2

  • 5:30 PM
    7:00 PM

    Location: Rosa M. Ailabouni Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Pokémon GO Raid Hour

    Location: Psychology Building

  • 6:00 PM
    11:00 PM
    Fall 2023 USG General Assembly

    Location: Senate Chamber

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    UNICEF-OSU General Body Meeting

    Location: Tanya Rutner Hartman Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    FCOSU General Body Meeting

    Location: Hays Cape Room

  • 6:00 PM
    8:00 PM

    Location: Suzanne M. Scharer Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Hindi Club Board Meeting

    Location: Ohio Staters, Inc. Founders Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Bandana Project

    Location: Student-Alumni Council Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Package Day

    Location: Round Meeting Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    APIDA Connections

    Location: Alonso Family Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM

    Location: High St Conference Room

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Nex+ Practice

    Location: Dance Room 1

  • 6:00 PM
    7:00 PM
    Veteran Companion Animal Services

    Location: Maudine Cow Room

  • 6:30 PM
    9:00 PM
    BuckeyeThon General Body Meetings Fall '23

    Location: Cartoon Room , Rosa M. Ailabouni Room, Hays Cape Room

  • 6:45 PM
    9:00 PM
    Scarlet and Grace Notes Rehearsal

    Location: Interfaith Prayer & Reflection Room

  • 7:00 PM
    8:00 PM
    PHA Exec

    Location: Sphinx Centennial Leadership Suite

  • 7:00 PM
    8:00 PM
    College Republicans General Meeting

    Location: Ohio Staters, Inc. Traditions Room

  • 7:00 PM
    8:00 PM
    The Sundial Humor Magazine

    Location: Brutus Buckeye Room

  • 7:00 PM
    10:00 PM
    League Night

    Location: Milestones Room

  • 7:30 PM
    8:30 PM

    Location: Dance Room 1

  • 7:30 PM
    8:30 PM
    Mixing It Up: Multiracial Discussion Tables

    Location: Alonso Family Room

  • 7:30 PM
    8:30 PM
    VSA Lotus Dance Practice

    Location: Dance Room 2

  • 8:00 PM
    9:00 PM
    PHA General Body

    Location: Maudine Cow Room

  • 8:00 PM
    9:00 PM
    CKOSU Kesem Member/Committee Meeting

    Location: Student-Alumni Council Room

  • 8:30 PM
    10:15 PM
    Campus Outreach Midweek

    Location: Creative Arts Room

  • 8:30 PM
    10:00 PM

    Location: Tanya Rutner Hartman Room

  • 9:00 PM
    10:30 PM
    Alpha Psi Lambda Stroll Practice

    Location: Dance Room 2

  • 9:00 PM
    10:00 PM
    Morale Program Dance Practice

    Location: Dance Room 1

  • 9:00 PM
    10:00 PM
    Morale Program Dance Practice 2

    Location: Round Meeting Room