The Ohio State University
Office of Student Life
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Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Location: U.S. Bank Conference Theater - Ohio Union (1st Floor)
Cost: Free
Looking for Valentine's Day fun? Well OUAB has you covered.
Join us for a free showing of thee V-day Romantic-Comedy winner of our IG Chooses poll, 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)! What's better to accompany a rom-com other than sweet treats and fun crafts too? Come spread Buckeye Love on us!
Popular Bianca is forbidden to date until her older sister finds a beau in this update of Shakespeare's “The Taming of the Shrew,” set in high school.
Doors will open at 6:30 pm, and the film will begin at 7 pm.
If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Lily Richards at or 614-247-8200. Requests made one week in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.
Lily Richards 614-247-8200